May 13, 2019
Everyone goes through ups and downs in their life, for some people it's tougher than it is for others. What 's important is how you get back up from the down moments. For me, my quiet time when I listen to Christian music is what helps lift me up and make me happy. Some of my down moments include thoughts and feelings of not being enough or if things were different for me maybe I would be better than I currently am. I have to keep looking on the brighter side of my situation and know that things get better.
Earlier in the week I had an accident where I fell out of my chair and hurt myself pretty good. There was a bit of blood and lots of pain and it was raining. Luckily for me I was surrounded by friends and they helped me to clean my scrape, wrap me up, and took care of me. This reminded me that through my struggles I need and have support from everywhere and all around. Whether it's through God, my Church family, or my friends and family, I have a great support system in place. Throughout all of this I've had a smile on my face and I've been healing nicely. Regardless of the situation, God is always first. Don't underestimate the power of prayer, it really works!