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  • Writer's picturekennedygalvan

Reasons for Purpose

March 20, 2020

Upon my birth there were complications. I was arriving early at 30 weeks and the doctor took their time with my delivery. I was stuck and an emergency C-section was needed but was never given. Because of medical error I am the way I am today. When my mom explained to me the reason for my condition I felt disappointed... It was hard to hear and take in. She told me that if she had been given the C-section, my condition would not be nearly as severe. I would have had internal issues but been able to walk. I grew up facing lots of challenges with cerebral palsy and my mobility limited to a wheelchair mostly. I was bullied and made fun of for being in a wheelchair. People would look at me and ask "why are you in a wheelchair? You look normal." It made feel degraded, judged, and unaccepted.

After finding and pursuing God, I began to feel worthy. I feel like God has put me in this situation for a reason, that reason being for me to help encourage others and bring hope to people that need it. I am here to love people the way Jesus loves.

If God can change my life he can change yours! Pray for people, love one another, encourage others. In doing this, your faith will grow!

Whats your purpose?

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