July 3, 2019
Comparison: a form of insecurity... comes from a lack of identity, lack of purpose, lack of confidence in who we are and the life we've been given.
True and lasting joy comes from when we look at the light... The light of Jesus, that shines upon us from above, not any other direction. There is always going to be someone prettier, someone more successful, someone more fit, someone more able, so don't saturate your life in insecurities. It's not worth it. We are secure in Him. We are made in His image. We all have a purpose.
We all go through hardships and sometimes we may feel like there is not a light at the end of the tunnel, but there is a light to the side of God, you just have to be open to find it and seek his love and goodness. We are wired for His love and goodness. We desire it, we crave it, we express it.
The love and joy that flows through me comes from Him and I want to share it with everyone around me because it's so contagious.
Focus more on expressing Gods love and acceptance when the lies of "comparison" come to steal your joy and give doubt.
The best healthy relationship you can have is one where you feel loved and whole and for some that means a relationship with the Lord and Savior, Church, and/or a community.
For me He is my guiding Light!
Kennedy- you are so beautiful, inside and out! Love you! Loree LeBoeuf