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  • Writer's picturekennedygalvan

Jesus is Joy

January 7, 2019

I don't know about you but I'm choosing to live with such a joy that it is visible to others around me. They see my joyous aura and ask me what the source of all my positivity and happiness is. I tell them, "A huge majority of the joy I carry, comes from Jesus!"

For me, Jesus has been my guiding light towards staying positive in my healing journey. He lifts me up when I'm feeling low and when I'm in his presence. I listen often to spiritual music and that really helps to put me at ease. When I'm at church especially, thats when I feel at my highest because I'm surrounded by other people that feel the same and share a connection and common ground. The joy I get from Jesus overflows through me and into others. It radiates from me and makes others happy. No matter the struggle, Jesus is the way to go!

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