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  • Writer's picturekennedygalvan

Healing Ways of God and His Plan

November 6, 2018

Have you ever had the thought that your prayers are not being answered? Or that healing from God has not come through?

Whether it has been physical or spiritual healing, I feel as though God has not always provided what I needed. However, its up to God how I heal and grow as person, its all in his timing. The journey is draining but also the reward of feeling empowered with Gods healing makes it all worth it. Talking about the ways God heals others gives me hope for not only myself but others as well.

Do you ever feel spiritually empty? Because I have and its almost as if you feel like theres a part of you missing and you question yourself, such as ,"Why am I in this state? Why am I putting in so much effort when I feel I'm not receiving anything in return?"

I feel like its because God has something planned for me that I don't know about, something that will help me heal and help others see God the way I do. I feel for myself personally that God has something planned for me that I don't really understand right now and may still not fully understand a long time from now. His plan is always better for me and so I choose to follow it. I trust in him wholeheartedly to guide me through this journey of my life. Maybe this is similar to your situation and you as the audience/readers can relate and understand the struggle of wanting to receive more from God than what he can give at the moment. All good things take time and I'm willing to wait.

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